Greg Owen
Over 27 Years of Programming Experience
Programming Examples, Portfolio, and More

Visual Studio String Functions-CSharp

        string sHold = “”;
        int nIndex = 0;

        //Replaces a string with a specified string.
        sHold = “String Test”;
        sHold = sHold.Replace(“String”, “Replace”);
        //Returns “Replace Test”

        //Removes a specified number of characters from a string
        //The first number is the starting position, and the last
        //number is the ending position.
        sHold = “String Test”;
        sHold = sHold.Remove(0, 3);
        //Result = “ing Test”

        //Returns the last index of a specified string.
        sHold = “String Test”;
        nIndex = sHold.LastIndexOf(“s”);
        //Result = 10

        //Inserts a string in the specified position.
        sHold = “String Test”;
        sHold = sHold.Insert(sHold.Length, ” IndexOf”);
        //Result = “String Test IndexOf”

        //Return the index of a specified string.
        sHold = “String Test”;
        nIndex = sHold.IndexOf(“r”);
        //Result = 3

        //Convert To Upper Case
        sHold = “String Test”;
        sHold = sHold.ToUpper();
        //Result = “STRING TEST”

        //Convert To Lower Case
        sHold = “String Test”;
        sHold = sHold.ToLower();
        //Result = “string test”

        //PadLeft adds specified characters to the beginning of the string.
        //The number represents the total length of the resulting string
        //including the number of padding characters.
        sHold = “String Test”;
        sHold = sHold.PadLeft(sHold.Length + 5, Convert.ToChar(” “));
        //Result = ” String Test”

        //PadRight adds specified characters to the end of the string.
        //The number represents the total length of the resulting
        //including the number of padding characters.
        sHold = “String Test”;
        sHold = sHold.PadLeft(6, Convert.ToChar(” “));
        //Result = “String Test”

        sHold = “String Test”;
        sHold = sHold.PadRight(sHold.Length + 5, Convert.ToChar(” “));
        //Result = “String Test ”

        sHold = “String Test”;
        sHold = sHold.PadRight(6, Convert.ToChar(” “));
        //Result = “String Test”

        //EndsWith Determines if a string ends with a specified string and returns
        //true or false.
        bool bTest = false;
        sHold = “String Test”;
        bTest = sHold.EndsWith(“Test”);
        //Result = true

        //StartsWith Determines if a string begins with a specified string and returns
        //true or false.
        bTest = false;
        sHold = “String Test”;
        bTest = sHold.StartsWith(“String”);
        //Result = true

        //Substring returns a string based on the starting index and ending index.
        //If the starting or ending specified falls outside the length
        of the string,
        //an error will be generated.
        sHold = “String Test”;
        sHold = sHold.Substring(2, 4);
        //Result = ring

        //Contains determines if a string contains the specified string.
        sHold = “String Test”;
        bTest = sHold.Contains(“ring”);
        //Result = true

        //Trims all spaces from beginning and end of specified string.
        sHold = ” String Test “;
        sHold = sHold.Trim();
        //Result = “String Test”
#CSharp #Reference
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